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Ashtanga Yoga

Ashtanga YOGA

Ashtanga yoga literally means “eight limbs yoga” as outlined by the sage Patanjali in the yoga sutras. According to Patanjali, the path of internal purification for revealing the universal self consists of the following eight spiritual practices:

  • YAMA (moral and codes)
  • NIYAMA (self-purification and study)
  • ASANA (posture)
  • PRANAYAMA (breath control)
  • PRATYAHARA (sense control)
  • DHARANA (concentration)
  • DHYAN (meditation)
  • SAMADHI (absorption into the universal)

To perform asana correctly in the ashtanga yoga. Ashtanga means breathing movement system.for each movement, there is one breath. For example, in Surya Namaskar. The first Ashtanga while raising your arm overhead and putting your hand together. The second is exhaling while bending forward placing your hands next to your feet, etc. in this way all asanas are assigned certain number of ashtanga.

The purpose of ashtanga for internal cleansing (ashtanga yoga) synchronizing breathing and movement in the asanas heats the blood, cleansing and thinning it so that it may circulate relieves joint pain and removes toxics and disease from the internal organs. The sweat generated from heat of ashtanga then carries the impurities out of the body. Through the use of Ashtanga, the body becomes healthy, light and strong.

The ultimate purpose of the ashtanga practices is purification of the body and mind. By moving so quickly and powerfully, you will get a lot of tapas and everything extra, physical and mental will have to get out of the way. This practice has a s tong sense of purpose and you are forced to focus and grow.

The Ashtanga yoga is a systematized practice of prescribed yoga posture to channels the energy through the body locks (Bandhas) and focusing at a particular point (drishti) in asanas. It ids the practice of six series. Primary ashtanga yoga series, being the basic of all other series. The three elements of ashtanga (Ujjayi breath, bandhas and Drishti) make this yoga form a cleansing and moving meditation practice.

Ashtanga comes with all the benefits of a regular yoga practice – strength, flexibility, stress management and inner peace because the series is so demanding most days. You will get really strong really fast. There is no part of the body that doesn’t work hard in this practice. Ashtanga yoga has been life changing in so many ways from the benefit of strength and flexibility in physical body, improved mental well-being. Ashtanga yoga is known as one of the most physically challenging forms of yoga. In its most traditional form it involves a very long sequence of posture with ashtanga in between. Ashtanga yoga focuses on muscle training rejuvenate your body making it stronger toned more flexible and controlled.

Ashtanga comes with all the benefits of a regular yoga practice – strength, flexibility, stress management and inner peace because the series is so demanding most days. You will get really strong really fast. There is no part of the body that doesn’t work hard in this practice. Ashtanga yoga has been life changing in so many ways from the benefit of strength and flexibility in physical body, improved mental well-being. Ashtanga yoga is known as one of the most physically challenging forms of yoga. In its most traditional form it involves a very long sequence of posture with ashtanga in between. Ashtanga yoga focuses on muscle training rejuvenate your body making it stronger toned more flexible and controlled.

  • Improvement in core endurance
  • Build inner strength
  • Reduced stubborn body fat
  • Relieve from stress
  • Learn to breath
  • Treat hypertension
  • Prevent injury